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Dr. Bournaris Thomas

Associate Professor
Farm Management - eGovernment - ICT in Agriculture

Head of the Laboratory of Informatics in Agricuture

Department of Agricultural Economics
School of Agriculture
Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Environment
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki


Bournaris Thomas is a Professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. He is also the Head of Laboratory of Informatics in Agriculture. Currently serves as the Executive Editor of the International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Management and Informatics  (Impact Factor 1.2, Citescore 2.3).

His PhD thesis focused on web platforms for farm management and eGoverment services. He works and has interests in agricultural economics, farm management and regional planning, sustainability in agriculture and management of agricultural resources, eGovernment, Decision Support Systems and ICT in agriculture and impact assessment of Common Agricultural Policy. His recent publications include papers in Agronomy, Sustainability and Energies Journal (MDPI), the Journal of Environmental Management, Land Use Policy, New Medit and Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.

From March 2021-2024 was the President of the Hellenic Association for Information and Communication Technologies in Agriculture, Food and Environment (HAICTA). HAICTA is the Greek Branch of the European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture (EFITA).

Also from October 2021 – November 2023 was the President of the Hellenic Association of Agricultural Economists known as ETAGRO. ETAGRO is the publisher of the Agricultural Economics Review Journal.


Our Publications

Publishing is an important way of presenting and sharing the results of research and development activities of the Laboratory of Informatics in Agricuture. Our researchers publish journal articles, books and research data on current topics and contribute to the scientific and professional knowledge and development.

The results and the impact of our publications are measured by the international citation indexes, such as Impact Factor, h-Index etc.

45.Current Skills of Students and Their Expected Future Training Needs on Precision Agriculture: Evidence from Euro-Mediterranean Higher Education Institutes

Thomas Bournaris, Manuela Correia, Alessandro Guadagni, Jeremy Karouta, Anne Krus, Stefania Lombardo, Dimitra Lazaridou, Efstratios Loizou, José Rafael Marques da Silva, Jorge Martínez-Guanter, Anastasios Michailidis, Stefanos Nastis, Aikaterini Paltaki, Maria Partalidou, Manuel Pérez-Ruiz, Ángela Ribeiro, Constantino Valero and Marco Vieri

43. Socioeconomic impact of climate change in rural areas of greece using a multicriteria decision-making model

Georgilas, I., Moulogianni, C., Bournaris, T., Vlontzos, G., Manos, B.

25. A knowledge brokerage approach for assessing the impacts of the setting up young farmers policy measure in Greece

Bournaris T., Moulogianni C., Arampatzis S., Kiomourtzi F., Wascher D.M., Manos B.

7. Tobacco decoupling impacts on income, employment and environment in European tobacco regions

Manos, B., Bournaris, T., Papathanasiou, J., Chatzinikolaou, P.